hi haterz

 You wanna know what I love about Justin? Even with comments like these he still manages to kill the haters with ‘kindness’ He doesn’t swear, fight back, or do something stupid, but he just replies with ‘hi haterz’ He gets so much hate every day and it hurts me so much, but you just have to think about how much it hurts him.  People are constantly saying hes gay, he sings like a girl, and he should go die, for what? He’s 17 years old and hes living his dream. He hasn’t hurt anyone or done anything wrong so what does he do to deserve all this hate. Nothing. People hate on him for absolutely nothing, and I have no idea how he must feel to receive millions of comments each day pointing out things that are obviously not true about you and so on, but it must hurt, and for him to not get angry and lose it like I would and loads of other people would, makes me respect him.He deserves respect not hate, because if you were receiving hate to this degree, I guarantee not many of you would kill the haters with kindness, we’d all fight back. And that’s one of the reasons why I love him so much.  
thats my boy, kill em' with kindness. men sjukt att människor faktiskt kan bete sig såhär, visa lite respekt..
Hej fina ni, hemma från en seg skoldag nu, har hostat som en tok hela dagen och ja.. blä på min hals just nu. Men mina härliga tjejer gör dagarna något bättre iallafall, galet hur mycket sjuka kommentarer man får höra på den, haha. Ikväll skulle jag träffat cornelia, men hon kunde inte, så jag ska ta det lugnt och kurera min förkylning, men vi hörs, puss.

Postat av: Isabella

Har du ett YouTube-konto, btw? :P

2011-12-05 @ 19:01:07
URL: http://icelandicgirl.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

Kan vi bli vännisar då? :P

2011-12-05 @ 19:15:08
Postat av: Isabella

Asså hela youtube har gjort om sin förbannade hemsida, så nu vet jag fan inte hur man lägger till... ;O

2011-12-05 @ 20:44:54
URL: http://icelandicgirl.blogg.se/

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